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A Diversified Portfolio Of The Leading Cryptocurrencies
We consider, a well constructed diversified portfolio reduces the risk that comes with investing in a single cryptocurrency. Whilst we are understandably bullish on Bitcoin and Ethereum and consider them a core part of our portfolio, in such a fast moving sector we believe a diversified portfolio is the best way to invest in this market.
This provides us opportunities to gain exposure to new technical developments and use cases which present themselves in this rapidly evolving crypto landscape.
We have a deliberate strategy to invest in established assets. To be considered for inclusion the crypto asset must have a market capitalisation of at least $500 million as at the date of purchase.
Our portfolio has strong exposure to Bitcoin and Ethereum but has greater breadth by investing in the leading cryptocurrencies, which includes;
Tell Crypto

How Do You Tell One Cryptocurrency From Another?
For many investors it can be challenging to understand such a diverse ecosystem. With so many different cryptocurrencies to choose from, how can you distinguish one cryptocurrency from another?
Many people buy crypto without knowing what their project actually does. For some investors they invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies without considering what is their reason for being.
While other investors are influenced by retail hype or short term price movements, we consider the underlying category mix when constructing our portfolio. As specialist investors we have a strong understanding and appreciation of the fundamentals which assists us to allocate capital, in what we consider is an effective manner.
Specialist investors may have their own custom classification system. Crossgate Capital currently uses a number of crypto research and data tools which includes Messari, a leading data and information aggregator for the crypto asset industry.
Messari are focused on bringing transparency to the cryptoeconomy and they provide data that assists informed decision making and investment.
Category & Sector
Crossgate Capital's Portfolio By Category And Sector
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Our objective is to deliver returns to investors by investing in cryptocurrencies where we consider there is a significant opportunity for growth.
As part of this process, we continually review the weightings of individual assets and monitor other assets which may warrant inclusion.
Investing by category means allocating your crypto portfolio across different types of cryptocurrencies, based on their shared characteristics and intended uses. This strategy allows for diversification and targeted exposure to specific sectors within the crypto market.

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