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A Hands On Approach To Investing

Fundamentals not retail hype
We invest based on fundamentals driven by continual research and monitoring. Our approach is to take a considered position in order to deliver on our objective of providing strong returns to our investors.

Invest in established assets
By investing in individual crypto assets with a market capitalisation of at least NZD $500million as at the date of purchase, the objective is to build a diverse portfolio whist mitigating risk.

Research & Monitoring
To invest successfully in this asset class, continual research and monitoring of each asset is required. This is important in order to determine the overall asset weighting and therefore construct an appropriate portfolio.

Specialist Knowledge
As required, the Board engage specialist cryptocurrency experts to assist them when making investment decisions.
We continually review the weightings of individual assets and monitor other assets which may warrant inclusion.

Consistent Approach
We consider that the optimum approach to investing in this asset class is a consistent, structured investment process. This provides the platform to deliver on our objective of providing positive returns to our investors.

Performance Tracking
Crossgate Capital receives daily pricing feeds which is used to measure and track our performance. As an active investor we seek to maximise your returns while managing the risks of your investment.
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Evaluation Metrics
We consider a number of elements when undertaking investment decisions. Below are just some of the metrics that are assessed;
Use Case
Governance Mechanisms
Activity /
User Retention
Partnerships &
Capacity / Scalability
Regulatory Risk
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